The Colorado Source Water Assessment and Protection (SWAP) program is designed to provide municipal water providers and public consumers with information about drinking water, as well as providing a way for water providers and community members to get involved in protecting the quality of their drinking water. The program encourages community-based protection and preventive management strategies to ensure that all public drinking water resources are kept safe from future contamination.
CUSP is serving as the facilitator for a SWAP planning project for our watershed, which is being convened by Denver Water, and funded with support from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment. This page is designed to share information with stakeholders regarding the plan and process.
Topic Areas
On-Site Wastewater Treatment
Phase 1_OSWT[/restab]
[restab title=”Agriculture”]
Phase 1 Agriculture
Small Acreage Management for Horse Owners
Water Quality
Noxious Weed Control
Controlled Grazing
Grazing Principles
[restab title=”Oil, Gas & Minerals”]
COGA presentation
Fluid Mineral BMPs
Baseline Water Quality Survey
South Park Scoping Study
[restab title=”Transportation”]
Sediment and Spill Control on Highways
Unpaved Roads and Trails
[restab title=”Forest Health” ]
Silviculture Practices & Implimentation
[restab title=”Uranium and Mine Drainage”]
Mining In The Upper South Platte Watershed
[restab title=”Hydrogeomorphology” ]