The Colorado Source Water Assessment and Protection (SWAP) program is designed to provide municipal water providers and public consumers with information about drinking water, as well as providing a way for water providers and community members to get involved in protecting the quality of their drinking water. The program encourages community-based protection and preventive management strategies to ensure that all public drinking water resources are kept safe from future contamination.
CUSP is serving as the facilitator for a SWAP planning project for our watershed, which is being convened by Denver Water, and funded with support from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment. This page is designed to share information with stakeholders regarding the plan and process.
Topic Areas
On-Site Wastewater Treatment
Phase 1_OSWT
Phase 1 Agriculture
Small Acreage Management for Horse Owners
Water Quality
Noxious Weed Control
Controlled Grazing
Grazing Principles
Oil, Gas & Minerals
COGA presentation
Fluid Mineral BMPs
Baseline Water Quality Survey
South Park Scoping Study
Sediment and Spill Control on Highways
Unpaved Roads and Trails
Forest Health
SWAP Presentation 2014
Silviculture Practices & Implementation
Uranium and Mine Drainage
Mining In The Upper South Platte Watershed