Q: What size material can your chipper handle?

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A: Our Morbark 2012-D Storm chipper can handle up to a 10” diameter log, and any log length; however, we recommend that the longer pieces be cut into manageable sizes, such as what two people could safely move.

Prior to the chipping date, branches infected with mistletoe need to be limbed one foot from the cut end (so that the machine can ‘grab’ a log end). Sometimes mistletoe creates a wide gnarly branch; any branch over 3 feet wide will need to be cut in half (by length) so the chipper can take in the material.

Important Note: We recommend that firewood sized materials be used as firewood. There are always community members that are in need of firewood or would buy it. Please check with your community members to see if one of your neighbors is in need. You can also take the log material and give it away at Help the Needy in Woodland Park.. We want to utilize as much material as possible.

Jeff Ravage

He's like this guy, you know