watershed \ˈwȯ-tər-ˌshed, ˈwä-\ – the area of land where all of the water that is under it or drains off of it goes into the same place. U.S. EPA

river diversion dam with a log jam

The Upper South Platte Watershed is more than just the 2,600 square miles of land that drains water into the upper portion of the South Platte River.  The watershed is home to communities, wildlife, and plants, and provides innumerable benefits including high quality water, critical habitat, recreation opportunities, and natural resources such as wood and minerals.

All the living things in the watershed are inextricably linked by their common water source.  The water flowing through the watershed is vital to life, and is affected by its surroundings, watershed inhabitants and visitors, and changes on the land.  What happens in the watershed ultimately affects water quality and the ecological systems we depend on.

With the understanding that the watershed is a complex system, CUSP focuses on critical management priorities that benefit watershed inhabitants and the many other stakeholders that rely on the watershed.  You can support the health of the watershed by learning more below, volunteering, and donating to protect this vital resource.

Explore the links below to learn more about watershed issues and CUSP’s work in the watershed.  Scroll over each image to see the caption.

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