Fire Adapted Communities is a collaborative, community-wide approach for taking responsibility for wildfire risk.  Recognizing the importance of continuing to improve how we approach adapting to living with wildfire, Fire Adapted Communities kicked off the Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network in 2013.  The network seeks to build upon proven strategies, improve fire-adapted methods, and promote more communication within communities and between communities about what works to reduce wildfire risks.  Learn more about the network in this short handout.

CUSP was selected as one of the first network hubs in the nation.  As a network hub, CUSP works to bring people together to focus on reducing wildfire risk through education, outreach, information sharing, strengthening and expanding existing partnerships, and developing and implementing best practices.  Check out some of the lessons we and other watershed groups in the West have learned about increasing watershed resilience and promoting fire adapted communities in a series of quick guides from the Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network.   Please contact us if you are interested in reducing wildfire risk on your property and in your community.




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