A: The CUSP crew is very well trained and experienced with chipper operation and safety. The crew will always review chipper safety with you prior to the project. General safety guidelines for chipping:
- All controls on the chipper will ONLY be operated by a CUSP staff member.
- Do not wear loose clothing or any jewelry (watches) when chipping. Loose items can get caught on the branches and be pulled off or pull you towards the chipper.
- We often communicate in hand signals. A CUSP staff member will review the signals with you, but you need to be conscious of communicating in this way.
- The chipper is loud. We require that you wear ear protection. If you do not have your own, CUSP will provide you with ear protection.
- Protect your eyes. CUSP will require you to wear eye protection.
- You will be required to wear a hard hat when around the chipper.
- Please wear long sleeves and long pants. Chipping is often done in the summer months and can be hot. We understand the temptation to wear short sleeve shirts or shorts. However, for your safety we strongly recommend coverage; it is very easy to scrape up your arms and legs if not covered.
- You are required to wear closed toed shoes. Work boots and hiking shoes are best.
- Be aware of those around you before you grab material. If you are not paying close attention, it is easy to hit someone with the material you are grabbing.
- Pay particular attention to the material in the chipper as you bring up your pile. This material is caught in the rollers and can often swing back and forth and up and down. You do not want to get hit by one of these pieces.
- Chipping can be physically demanding. Use your legs to lift and listen to your body to determine what you can manage safely and efficiently.