Are you trying to reduce the risk of wildfire in your neighborhood? We are committed to helping you reduce wildfire risk working with you and your neighbors to build community and provide resources for wildfire mitigation. As part of this program, we will bring our chipper out to process woody material into mulch for large projects. This is done on a cost share basis, in which residents contribute labor and pay a nominal fee for the service.
Take a look at the Neighborhood Fuels Reduction Program brochure and our Chipper FAQs for more information.
Here’s more information on Forest Health and mitigation on your property. The Colorado State Forest Service also has great information.
You’ve made your plan, cut trees on your property, worked with neighbors to mitigate their properties, and you are ready to call CUSP to chip the slash. There are a couple steps to get the work scheduled.
Be familiar with the Neighborhood Fuels Reduction Policies, these are the requirements for your participation in the program.
To request the chipper for your individual property please fill out the sign up form here or print the form and return it to CUSP.
To request the chipper for a neighborhood/HOA (multiple properties) fill out this sign up form here or print it and return to CUSP.
How to Stack Slash:
Due to our crew’s efforts the science of slash stacking has slowly increased over the years. It has often been joked (by us) that whoever created Velcro must have worked with piles of slash. So,here’s our best tips on making the perfect windrow.
- Last on first off: The order of stacking can make it either easier or harder to grab when chipping. Start stacking in the opposite direction of chipper travel.
- The chipper wants to work facing downhill. Loading slash uphill into the hopper will wear out the stoutest person quickly. Plan for the chipper to progress in a downhill direction if at all possible.
- This means: Start your stack at the top of the hill and work downwards. If you are on a hill. On level ground, make a note of which direction the chipper should travel.
- Stack no higher than 4 feet. The pile will compress over time, the higher it is, the more entangled it will become when this happens.
- No Lumber, Rocks, Metal, or Rolex watches. All of these things have passed through our chipper at one time or another- none of them successfully.
For smaller projects, CUSP operates slash drop off sites.
Fairplay Slash Site/Sort Yard

Located at the Fairplay waste transfer station. The entrance is just east of NW Fire off Hwy 285 on the hill behind the Aspens. Read this Brochure for more info.
Bailey Slash Site/Sort Yard

Located off Hwy 285 at the Deer Creek Exit in Bailey Colorado. Read this Brochure for more info.
Chipper Safety:
Safety is the number one priority when operating a chipper. Please take the following precautions at all times.
- Wear safety gear including: Sturdy footwear, hardhat, ear and eye protection, gloves, and chaps (if available)
- Stack piles neatly and face all limbs with butts out for easy grabbing and feeding.
- Wear gloves without cuffs to avoid snagging branches while feeding the chipper.
- Arrive rested and drink plenty of water.
- Take breaks and rest if you become winded.
- Keep the work area clean.
- Never approach a chipper without an attendant and their permission.
- Feed the chipper from the side of the hopper, not the center.
- Don’t hurry. Keep an orderly line and feed the hopper when motioned to do so.
- Always watch for traffic if you are in a thoroughfare and STAY SAFE.
For more safety tips: Wood Chipper Safety
For more information: CUSP Chipper FAQs
“The CUSP organization has had an extremely beneficial impact in our Ridgewood sub-division. They were instrumental in providing guidance and assistance in the development of our Community Wildfire Protection Plan which was approved in 2004. This CWPP was an essential step to help many of our neighbors participate in cost share and grant programs to provide much needed property mitigation.
For many years CUSP has provided their chipper and a crew for our two annually scheduled neighborhood volunteer supported chipping days. This helps manage our property owners’ mitigated slash. We have officially been designated as a “Firewise” community.
No neighborhood can be fully protected from a rampant wildfire. All property owners have a responsibility to their neighbors and the forest that we love to do their part to reduce the spread of fires as well as help protect the safety of the firefighters working to save our homes.
I am proud of the work our community continues to do to make our homes more defensible and to help maintain a healthy forest. I sincerely appreciate and am thankful to the entire CUSP family for their continued aid, education, cooperation and the support of their skilled staff which makes all this possible.”
Chuck and Mary Ann Todd
Ridgewood CWPP committee members